Thursday, January 6, 2011

Captain's log: 1-6-11 ( Day 111)

     I was just about to write this day off as a total loss. At least in the "I gotta get something done " sense. A cold front came in (a Florida cold front ...60 degrees) and mostly cloudy and cold. So spent all day inside the boat. Paperwork and some laundry. This picture was off the back of our boat. I originally took it to show the cloudy/gloomy day...
But then as I watched an incredible change crept across the sky. I in NO way could capture this in a photo. It covered the entire sky. So I took a bunch of pictures of different spots in the sky. Now just use your imagination........

Can you believe that?!    Sometimes rain is a good thing......I feel a country song coming on....

Have a beautiful night.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome shots! Wow! The second one looks like mountain peaks below the clouds.
    I drove up to Ft Myers to get our car. Raining gallons! Got back here in time for the dark clouds to come rolling in. No beautiful colored skies.
    Not much rain, lots of wind. Temps went from 72 down to 62 now. Our first day of not doing much, felt good!
    The dolphins go into feeding frenzy's in the afternoon all around us, it's cool!
