Friday, February 4, 2011

Captain's log: 2-4-11

     Can I still call it a captain's log if the boat hasn't moved for over a month? Ya I'm still captain. And to prove it I'll show you who does all the work...
Captains just give orders. Swab the decks matie!
      Back to Serious now. A hole in the boat is never a good thing but, above the waterline is better. Fire is not good either but , just smoke is better. At least at first.

Well that's the hole. How did we get to this point you might ask?  I decided that to prevent corrosion I would spray all the electrical connections with an anticorrosive to prevent problems. Can you spell lucky? No. With capital letters! L-U-C-K-Y!!!

This is what I found when I unplugged the power cord! Not good! This is what I found inside the boat.
Those black melted spots are not suppposed to be there. A hundred bucks an a couple hours and we're back in business. Could have been a lot worse.
     Got me to thinkin though. A few nights ago it looked like the people in the boat next to us were grilling chicken... no... wait they don't have a grill on their boat. Fire on the dock. Again we were lucky. I was sitting right next to the dock box and just flipped the breakers off. They have an elaborate lighting system on the dock, palm tree , rope lights etc.  Unfortunately their wiring system is not as elaborate.

You probably can't see it in the picture but, the lower right bundle of wires is 5 or 6 non weather proof plugs just waiting to cause a problem.   But it sure looks kool at night!   That fire was just 3 feet from my almost fire. Is this the bermuda triangle of power cords?

     Do you remember back when we were crossing Tampa Bay and I said we almost  ran aground because there were two sets of markers ,Numbers 2 and 4, ?  Very confusing. I guess someone else thought the same thing but the problem has been solved...kinda

Could be a problem if someone is counting on this one. Worse yet , that means the lower half of this one is now lurking just under the water somewhere. And a blog would not be complete without:




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