Monday, April 11, 2011

Captain's log: 4-11-11

     That was so much fun we thought we would do it again....Walmart ,that is. Hannibal Mo. has a great Walmart, Lowes, Radio Shack, etc. Also decided to stay another day to explore historic downtown HANNIBAL. we stopped here with the boat back in Sept. when the river was starting to flood. Guess what, It's higher now than then. Almost to the bottom of the railroad bridge and of course much more coming down from up north. It is about 10 feet from the record high back in 1993.
That bridge is probably going under if they get what they are predicting.
     When we were coming into Hannibal Bruce's coach blew an inside dual. Sounded like a cannon! Local shop had a tire and for 600 bucks (good deal) he was ready to go in under an hour.

Dorene seems to think she has found the ultimate (ultimate not intimate) store for her and all her friends.

Shoot! You can't read the small print but, basically there is everything from bling bling, shoes, to saddles. Cards and dice for Joyce and it's heaven.

     Parting thought for the day:    We were sitting in the coach having a little wine last night when I thought ( I have some of my best thoughts while drinking wine) I thought I know everyone knows you shouldn't drink and drive home but..... what about drinking and driving your home?  I was sitting in the drivers seat at the time watching TV.      Oh don't call the cops it was just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. Great to have you and your whit back online! Can't believe you've left FL for SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    As long as your keys are not in the ignition while you are drinking and watching tv, I believe you are ok!
