Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Captain's log: 4-19-11

Yes, that IS ice! We definitely came back 2 weeks too early. Trying to get across southern MN. today but, 4-5" of snow predicted. Currently raining here but, waiting for a call from St. Charles before heading out.

     This was my view of the lake out my front window earlier this week. The white stuff is not sand. Well you know what they say... "when life gives you lemons"...   So since we are in the Christmas mood I thought you might find this interesting.......About 45 years ago a reatively poor young man started a Christmas tradition. His wife (my mom) brought home a wax covered wine bottle and a "drip" candle from a home decorating partiy. He started burning it with his kids a little bit each Christmas and lately it was pretty much forgotten but, a grandaughter (Paige) kept the tradition going with grampa each X-mas. Now that grandaughter is getting married and wants that candle at her wedding. Guess who gets the job of transporting the treasured heirloom.

Paige, about 12 years ago, burning "the candle" at X-mas. (circa 2000)
Me, yesterday, trying to figure out how to transport this giant across the state. Notice the growth in the past 12 years. We finally decided to wire it up in the closet in the coach.   Now that's some "unity candle"!!!!

All wired and ready to travel. But wait, just heard from St. Charles and it is snowing so we will sit it out a day.  Merry Christmas!! LOL.......!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That candle/tradition is so cool! I've never heard of it! And, to have it part of your daughters wedding, makes it more special.
    With these lovely white shots you've taken of MN, it makes me SO HAPPY that I'm not up there driving tour bus all over the place! Whoops, now you know who could fill in and drive your rig for you!
    We are quite happy with temps in the 80's down here.
