Friday, April 8, 2011

Captain's log: 4-7-11

      Today was the 3rd day of driving the "Big" rig. We've covered about 400 miles and it's starting to feel more comfortable. It actually drives and rides great. We have stayed in campgrounds mainly along the freeway. Not much for views but, easy in and easy out. Good for the rookie!   Answer me this: Why can a 60 ft. motorcoach and trailer stay in a campground for $18 a night and a 40 ft. boat is $80?
At last nights campground near Tallahasee, Fl.
At the Alabama border with Bruce. Everyone remember Bruce from Way back on the Mississippi River?       Some of you might remember my earlier descriptions of the various bathroom facilities at river marinas. From a hole in the wall to warm towels handed to you from a bathroom attendant. Which by the way is just kinda creepy. I guess I'm just not THAT sophisticated.  Well anyway one of you suggested that I should have taken pictures.  You were right but, it's never too late so here's the first one from campgrounds south to north....
The interesting thing about this one was it was a "clean up after yourself" co-ed toilet and shower. Showers were side by side. Not really sure how that was supposed to work. Get in, get out as fast as I could.   Now if I can just keep from getting put on some kind of list for taking a camera into restrooms.

Mansion in Micanopy , Fl.

Spanish moss covered trees near same mansion......... 
....Just a couple more pics from Maui....

Rainbow trees on road to Hana.

Drew, trying to get his inheritance quicker by taking us on a mountain hike.

Chicken crossing the road to Hana...... Why did he do it? I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone knows that people who have boats have more money than people with trailers...LOL All boating activities cost more.
