Thursday, November 4, 2010

Captain's Log: 11/04/10 (Day 48)

So when my wife has nothing to do at these different marinas she collects pictures of Lotus cars. Or is that pictures of guys with their Lotus cars?
Now I have to take back everything I said about the south. Their WalMarts are way more classy than the ones up Nort. This car was in the parking lot at WalMart.
I think I found my next project boat! This one was built in China 1966 and current owner has been working on it for the last 17 years. I think more Miller Time than work time.
I think the crew is getting ready to shove off again. Is that stars in their eyes? ... No, just "puzzle eyes" from a marathon puzzle session.
Not bad. Can't we do anything that isn't boat themed?  
     Oh. Just a reminder to all you faithfull fans. We will be at anchor on the Lower Tombigbee for the next 3-4 nights so probably no updates till then. I hope there are not too many exciting stories to tell you. I like the ones that start out with something like, it was a calm and peaceful night. .... Not the ones with banjos playing in the background. see ya in a few days.


  1. DAD, you said you would catch a fish and post a picture on your blog... still haven't seen one and the gulf is getting pretty close!

  2. Omigosh...that project boat from China looks like Scrappy B4 she was painted. Your Blog is great and Nadine and I enjoy following your travels
