Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Captain's Log: 12/10-15/10 (Day 85-89)

     Sorry for the gaps in posting but, we have been hanging out at our friend's dock in Palmetto for the past week. Partly waiting out some windy weather and partly loving the freeloading life. We have really enjoyed spending time with Tony and Pat,but you know the old saying...Friends, family and fish... well you know it. So as difficult as it was we untied the dock lines and headed out this AM.
This is Floridians idea of a bad day. A few clouds, 30 degrees in AM and 65 in the PM.
      Today was relatively calm but even so we had to go a short ways accross the bottom of Tampa Bay and the 2-3 footers on our beam were enough to knock over our little Christmas tree and a few things in the cabin. Once on the ICW things calmed down.
      Our new bridge enclosure kept us nice and warm (green house effect) Probably should have done that while we were still in Minnesota.
     The water in Sarasota Bay was a beautiful blue/green and once again the dolphins were seeking out our boat to play in the stern wake.
This is off the back of our boat. He/she stayed with us for 10-15 minutes until we had to slow down for a low bridge.
These are two bridges we had to have open for us today. One was 9ft and one was 14ft. We are about 18 ft high. What you can't see on the swing bridge is the bridge master has to stand in the center to operate it. So she is basically stranded on the bridge until we get through and she closes it.  So I can't resist this one.... Dorene is the one who called the bridge and then they stop the cars....So I can say for a fact that my wife can still stop traffic!!!!
Here we are in Venice (not the Italy one). We are parked about 100 feet from the gulf. Straight ahead of us is the inlet from the gulf. I had second thoughts about spending the night on open water to the gulf . I'll let you know tomorrow if it was a good idea.
more dolphins off the front of our boat.
       Looks like tomorrow night, if we like the marina, may be the one we will stay at until we pull the boat and come back to WI. Then what?  I've heard some of my followers have been reading my blog late at night when they can't sleep.. Seems I'm a narcotic... Don't worry you insomniacs if I run out of pictures I'll just start discussing the meaning of life. We'll get you to sleep somehow.

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